Don’t invent reality – model it.

This solid foundation in reality is what enables outside-the-box thinking that facilitates ideas, connecting the dots in new ways to achieve success as defined in the project management plan, and as measured against the performance measurement baselines.
cRAN eNTERPRISE combines the discipline of precise and rigid adherence to process and protocol with an inventive approach to execution. Knowing where the project is at in relationship to the plan enables effective navigation around the obstacles, maintains a fluidity to address the ever changing reality during execution, allows the initiative to take flight within acceptable tolerances, always guided by the documented outcomes.

Why projects fail?
The Gartner Group is equally pessimistic. According to a 1999 study concluded in 2002, 75 percent of e-business projects will fail to meet the business objectives, due to fundamental flaws in project focus and planning.
Another 2003 study notes that enterprise-wide change often ends up making things worse instead of better. The study sites that in the majority of cases strategic problems are not solved, implementation cost far exceed budgeted estimates, and the actual ROI is disappointing. An explosion in the complexity of implementation is named as a leading cause, especially where change has to cut across silos.
And yet, in 2020 70% of IT projects still failed. It might sound like some AA meeting mantra, but remains true that the first step in resolving a problem is admitting you have one. The next step is to accurately define the problem and the root cause.
The Top 10 Reasons Projects Fail
- Desire & Impatience drives the selection of targets
- Failure to set and manage expectations
- Failure to adequately identify, document and track requirements
- Poor effort estimation
- Inadequately trained and/or inexperienced project managers
- Poor leadership at any and all levels
- Poor plans and planning processes
- Cultural and ethical misalignment
- Misalignment between the project team and the business or other organization it serves
- Inadequate or misused methods, communications, progress tracking